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Old March 9th 11, 11:33 AM posted to
Paul Paul is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 175
Default London Buses Run By The RATP

On Mar 9, 12:27*pm, wrote:
In article ,

(Arthur Figgis) wrote:
*From:* Arthur Figgis
*Date:* Tue, 08 Mar 2011 19:58:15 +0000

On 08/03/2011 18:51, Paul wrote:

Purely coinicidentally, I was in Paris recently. The metro there
generally has a reputation for being more reliable the the London

France's external reputation for transport doesn't generally stand
up to reality.

Other useful French phrases I've come across are "retard"
(=departure) and "service autocar" (=train not going to/from Paris)..

Arthur Figgis * * * * * * * * Surrey, UK

Out of curiosity, I often check the RATP equivalent of the Live Update
Like LU, they seem to have spells when there's problems, although LU seem
to have had a lot more recently with the Jubilee line signal system
As with the Underground, they had their spell of "accident grave de
voyageur"s after the new year

Loosely translated causes for delays a

incident technique
Technical problems

accident grave de voyageur
Person under a train

le trafic est interrompu entre .....
There is no service between ....

Les trains circulent avec des retards de XXXX minutes environ et des
suppressions ou modifications...
Trains are running about XXXX minutes late, with cancellations or changes
to destinations

Ces incidents sont pr sent termin s mais les trains circulent avec des
retards de XXXX minutes environ.
These incidents have ended, but the trains are running about XXXX minutes

Les trains circulent avec des retards importants
The trains are running with large delays

Incident termin XXXX
Incident at XXXX has ended

Fin d'incident, reprise du trafic
End of incident, trains now running

Retour au trafic normal estim vers XXXX
Return to normal running estimated at XXXX

En cons quence, les trains ne desservent pas les gares XXXX
As a consequence, the trains are not going to / stopping at stations XXXX

Le trafic est normal sur les autres lignes de XXXX
Other lines on the XXX are running normally

En r percussion du d clenchement d'un signal d'alarme en gare XXXX
Because an alarm has been operated at XXXX station

Un train en panne */ *En r percussion une panne de mat riel
Faulty train

incident de signalisation */ *panne de signalisation
Signal problems

En r percussion de divers incidents
Because of various incidents

En raison d'un incident voyageur
Because of a passenger incident / accident

En raison de la chute d'un voyageur entre deux voitures XXXX
Because of a passenger falling between two cars at XXXX

En raison d'un colis suspect XXXX
Because of a suspect package at XXXX

En raison d'un rail cass XXXX
Because of a broken rail at XXXX

En raison de la pr sence de voyageurs sur les voies XXXX
Because of people on the track at XXXX

En r percussion des conditions climatiques
Because of weather conditions

En r percussion des conditions climatiques d grad es
Because of worsening weather conditions

En raison des chutes de neige, l'ensemble du r seau bus est paralys
Because of snow, there are no buses running

Le Funiculaire est interrompu
The funinulaire (to Sacre Coeur) isn't running

and yesterday's delay on line 9 speaks for itself!
Animal sur la voie

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Of course, if you live in Paris (or anywhere else in France for that
matter) you will come to understand what "..Suite a un preavis de
greve..." means.