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Old April 26th 07, 11:56 PM posted to
keithy keithy is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 6
Default Guards? What guards?

That tells you everything you need to know about Silverlink staff's
opinion of its passengers. The line has more than its fair share of
dubious characters but I am hoping that gating the stations will
remove some of the worst (many of whom are obviously non-payers).

I'm sorry to hear that patrolling the trains through Dalston etc. to
try to keep them safe is not part of the responsibility of the train
operator (public or private). Supermarkets, pubs, private housing
estates seem to manage it OK.

I dont know, If your honest and dont bull**** you get shot down. If
you lie and tell bull**** you get shot down. Now what if i said all
the passengers are honest, they all pay their fare, they never abuse a
member of staff or another passenger, they never put their ****ty feet
on the seats, they are all polite, they will say thank you when youve
delayed the train for them, they dont use the pass comm in the middle
of stations just for a laugh and then NO ONE ELSE sees them do it when
you ask. No i thought you wouldnt belive that amount of rubbish. You
know that none of this goes on. Or does it? You tell me.

Actually it doesnt tell you everything you need to know about what
silverlinks staff actually think about its passengers. It is actually
MY OWN opinion, As i cant possibly coment on what other people think.
I mean some of the staff think that most of the passengers are

I would like to know how i would patrol a train in the middle of the
peak period, as passengers of the line you know exactly what its like
so perhaps you can enlighten me on how thats done. It is also very
worrying that passengers are concernered about secruity at stations
like Dalston and a few others when the BTP and PCSOs are stationed
their. I would also be surprised if no one on here has seen the POLICE
on the trains and late at night which belive it or not is not when
most violence on trains takes place. If a Police officer on a train
isnt going to allivate peoples fears about travelling on trains, me
being a presence on one with no power of arrest isnt going to help

To Gordon, What is meant when you say ' Wonder if Br'er Crow has
started squawking about this yet ?' What do you actually mean? Is
'Br'er Crow' a new specis of bird? i mean only Crows
squawrk..............Oh i get it its a joke.....such a shame i missed
it the first time round, perhaps you was trying to be clever and fool
me but alas i saw through it. In the end.

I think that what will happen though (or what you would want to see)
is that the RMT will say absolutley nothing and let the new company
(the favorite is GOVIA by the way) get rid of at least 100 Guards, Oh
yes this is the same company who want to make loads of station staff
surplus to requirments on South Eastern trains i wonder what secruity
the passengers have over their on there DOO trains? But no doubt that
is the unions fault, as it will be the unions fault when they get rid
of the Guards on the NLL. Then it will be what did the union do about
this? why didnt they stop it from going ahead? You see that you
wouldnt want the staff from taking industrial action to prevent it
either would you? So how does one without harming the service keep
staff in employment? perhaps someone out their can enlighten me.
