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Old January 15th 09, 12:49 PM posted to,uk.railway
Recliner[_2_] Recliner[_2_] is offline
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Default Heathrow third runway to get the go ahead

"EE507" wrote in message

On Jan 15, 12:18 pm, Tony Polson wrote:
EE507 wrote:

The Tories can't decide whether they object to an expansion of
airport capacity on principle, or whether, as Boris says, it's just
Heathrow that is unsuitable. Rather like Labour didn't reverse rail
privatisation when they came to power, I suspect the Tories wouldn't
reverse any decision on Heathrow. Anyway, let's wait for the
official announcement.

The Tories have already stated, unequivocally, that they will cancel
any planned third runway at Heathrow when (if) they get into power.

What political parties say in opposition does not in any way reflect
what they do in power. I fully expect the Tories' green gloss to start
flaking as soon as they win the election, and to be a mere memory
within three years.

Actually, it's fading already, reflecting the change in voters' concerns
(from ecology to the economy).