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Old September 14th 09, 10:49 AM posted to
Tim Roll-Pickering Tim Roll-Pickering is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: May 2005
Posts: 739
Default LU Closures Beyond a Joke

John B wrote:

the guys I know who do a bit of painting and decorating around London
and take their own kit with them on p/t,
(f) the very fit guy I know who needs
to get around town and visit various clients whilst looking sharp, who
despite his considerable fitness perspires a great deal and just isn't
willing to arrive looking flustered in his snazzy suit;

In addition to Tom's comments, surely gentlemen c and f won't be hit
by the closures, because they'll be working during the working week
when the tubes aren't closed?

I've lost count of the number of painters, decorators and builders I've
found working weekends when I've been canvassing. Some are doing so to get
the project completed faster, others because the clients want to be in when
there are strangers in the home, others because the clients *need* to be in
because of the problems of accessing flat blocks and gates when there's
no-one inside the relevant flat, and others just because they take on extra

And similarly (f) types can and do work weekends - in any customer service
job being able to see the clients when the clients have time, rather than
expecting the clients to take time off work, is helpful.